Monday, May 01, 2006

The future of real estate

Industries like real estate rely upon the very unreal world of advertising. When a profession is so linked to image, data, contracts, certification, searching, listing, constantly changing data - one can see why it is such a target for software developers. It used to be just banking that attracted the highest salaries - but now its data. Data relates to achieving profits for the enterprise is valued data.

Most data is of no value, whatsoever.

The actual data that an average business "needs", like accounting records, etc. do not actually use much "space" when they are kept electronically. The need for simple document certification and genuine curatable archives that can keep images of documents that are somehow useful in a court of legal divination - that is you can tell if they are the real macoy or something dressed to look the part.

Advertising for "Real Estate" leads directly to a cursory inspection of the product. If you want to live there or not, that is the question. Perhaps a more industry specific treatment is required for real estate - is it possible to convey solid information?

To investors, of course it is. To inhabitors of homes, it is much more tricky. The certain indefinable that is transferred during a visit tells you instantly if you "want it". So far all systems just make the finding of choices that you may feel that with much more efficient. Listing is imperative when it comes to real estate - you got to be able to compare hard facts and leave falling in love with the property to the site visit stage.

Google Search

We are trying out a new publishing system (provided by Google - for free) - the infamously now brilliant - our domain there is as you probably realise.

The Google search tool on this and our sister sites (Linux vs Windows and Tips) does not appear to work yet. I think it will start to spider this site as they own the server.